

Level 60, ilvl 210


Coerthas Central Highlands (X:33.5, Y:15.4)

Shadows of the First

Forced to flee the Black Shroud for fear of the elementals and their boundless wrath, the Ixal settled the windswept mountains of Xelphatol more than five hundred and fifty years ago. Since that day, they have labored tirelessly to eke out an existence in these harsh and unforgiving lands, slowly but surely expanding their dominion over the entire region. Yet the Ixal have never forgotten that which was once denied them, and so they seek divine intervention once moreā”€to summon Garuda and beseech her strike down their enemies. In the shadow of the First Mountain, the ritual nears completion, as a brave hero once more races against time to deliver the realm from destruction.  


Nuzal Hueloc

During the battle, Nuzal will use various abilities. Wind Blast is a path area of effect attack. Lift causes him to jump up and summon three additional enemies, with the turret being the priority target. Air Raid is a party-wide area of effect attack. Hot Air is a party-wide area of effect attack cast by the turrets, which launches everyone up into the air. Airstone refers to an additional enemy that is either tethered to the boss or the turret, and it should be killed as soon as possible. Long Burst is an unavoidable attack that targets a random player. It is important to note that when four airstones are tethered to a turret, they should be killed first. Otherwise, turrets should be the primary focus. Once the turret's health reaches zero, it will start casting Hot Air, and players should position themselves under Nuzal to bring him down after the cast.

Dotoli Ciloc

During the battle, there are several attacks to be aware of. Firstly, there is a frontal cleave that occurs when the boss is on low health. Additionally, when the boss is on high health, there is a party-wide AoE attack that pushes players back. It is crucial to stand with your back to the barriers to avoid falling into the spike pit. Another attack to watch out for is "Dark wings," where the boss targets a random player and spawns a windy AoE in their position. Players must quickly move out of this area. "Terrible fury" is another dangerous attack that marks a random player and blasts them with an AoE. It is important to move away from the marked player to avoid being hit. Finally, there is an ability called "Swiftfeather" that causes the next frontal cleave to be almost instant. This attack cannot be dodged to the side, so the tank should preemptively move away from the boss to avoid it.

Tozol Huatotl

In this encounter, there are several abilities and mechanics to be aware of. The first is Ixali Aero III, which is a party-wide area of effect attack. Next is Ixali Aero II, which targets a specific path with its area of effect damage. There is also an ability called Hawk, which shoots arrows at one player and places an area of effect marker on them. Players must stack up and run towards the boss to avoid this attack. However, it should be noted that this information is still unconfirmed. Additionally, there is a summon ability called Garuda, where an untargetable Garuda is summoned. Garuda then unleashes a room-wide area of effect attack, creating green crystals and rings around everyone. To avoid this, players need to spread out and find safe areas.
