

Level 15


Western La Noscea (X:28, Y:21)

It's Probably Pirates

After a period of relative silence following the Calamity, the Serpent Reavers have once again taken to terrorizing the inland hamlets of La Noscea, killing the men, kidnapping the women and children, plundering the storehouses and burning what little they leave behind. For years, it was not known how the pirates were able to raid areas so far from the coast, until a local shepherd sighted a band of painted ruffians entering the Sastasha Seagrot, carrying large quantities of sacks and crates. Could it be that there is more to this cave than meets the eye?  



Chopper has only one noteworthy attack - "Charged Whisker". You'll see an orange circle on the ground, just step out of it to avoid being struck and temporarily paralyzed.

Captain Madison

You will encounter Captain Madison twice. The first time, he will have two crew members beside him which should be killed first. At 50% health the Captain retreats. The second time you encounter him, when he gets to 50% he will summon a pack of dogs. The tank should pull these to the boss so everyone can burn them more easily. At near-zero health, the Captain will retreat again.

Denn the Orcatoothed

There are four grates in the room where you fight Denn. Occasionally they will bubble and an add will spawn. The bubbles can be clicked to prevent the add from spawning. It's not necessary to prevent all of these adds, but ranged players should try to stop a few to keep the fight managable.
