Coral Aerie

Coral Aerie

Ascending Tide

Minimum Level 45

25 minutes


"This undisturbed little islet far off the coast of Summerset sports high cliffs and deep tide pools that act as popular breeding grounds for all manner of sea life, migratory birds, and even large predators. I recommend all nature watching be done from the safety of the ship."—Captain Marrisa  



To defeat Z'Baza, you need to first defeat Varallion and the three secret bosses - Sword Guardian, Shield Guardian, and Staff Guardian. Once you have defeated them, you can challenge Z'Baza.

Gear Sets

Glacial Guardian  
Gryphon's Reprisal  
Maligalig's Maelstrom  


Ascending Tide Explorer   5 points
Ascendant Order Style Master   50 points
Coral Aerie Challenger   50 points
Coral Aerie Conqueror   10 points
Superior Pedigree   50 points
Shellback   50 points
Aerie Glider   50 points
Ascending Tide Scout   10 points
Seafaring Sleuth   50 points
Coral Aerie Vanquisher   10 points
Around and Around and Around   10 points
Coral Compact   10 points
Ascending Tide Delver   50 points
Tentacless Triumph   50 points
Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy   50 points
Gryphon Slayer   10 points
Yaghra Slayer   10 points
Pressure Front   10 points
Summerset Preservation Society   10 points
Splash Fighter Supreme   10 points
Tentacular Tenderizer   10 points
Globule Gobbler   10 points
Crustacean Cracker   50 points
Not the Sharpest Knife   50 points
Time Served   10 points
